Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Crazy Thoughts

"The question that sometimes drives me hazy is am I or the others crazy."
Albert Einstein

That about covers my thoughts today.

I retired December 31, 2008. Don't misunderstand. I love retirement. I miss the people I worked with.

I was folding clothes this morning and thought what drudgery. I admire women who can stay at home and keep house and take care of kids. I could never do that.

A one time I thought I wanted to stay at home and raise my boys. And make cookies and do domestic stuff. But...You know what they say...If you want to make GOD laugh, make plans. Life made it necessary for me to go to work. So 40 years and dozens of jobs later I am retired.

I am NOT a good housekeeper. But my home is my haven. I can be alone here.

Thank goodness for my Aunt Letha teaching me to crochet. I also learned to knit when I was 12. I like crochet most.

My younger sister is also a crocheter. She turned me on to Crochet Partners Group on Yahoo. I enjoy seeing what the other people are up to.

I have so many projects that I want to make. I have to remind myself to finish some of them before starting anything else.

Oh! The picture of the Ken in Drag, at the right, is one I did at Christmas time for a friend. He sent me a lovely thank you card for it.

I watched "Bridget Jones Diary" this morning. That is a really cute movie. She is so wonderfully insecure. She feel like I do most of the time.

It never ceases to amaze me how many people think I'm smart. My older brother used to take great joy in telling the three of us sisters how stupid we were. I have spent the past 100 (seems like) years trying to prove to David that I was just as smart as he. And he died in 1980.

One of my customers at the Post Office told me that I was smarter than 90% or the people I meet. SCARY!!! Because I past the Postal Service Test. A very frightening thought.

I had the highest score on the Marine Corps placement test here in Salt Lake City for quite a few years.

OK! I know how to take a test. I don't feel very smart. And I was born blonde.

All Dumbs are not Blonde.

Anyway that's the crazies for today.