Thursday, August 18, 2011

Something New

This is what I started with... Three times. It just didn't look right. Too chunky.
This is what it looks like, now. OK, so I changed my mind. I'll make something else out of this. I don't waste any yarn. That is just WRONG!!!!
This is what I decided to use to make the Crocheted Critron Shawl.
The first choice just didn't seem right. I think I'll like this better.
When I saw this on Crochet Partners, I decided that I wanted to make it. I emailed my sister in Iowa and suggested that we each make one.
Like always...She is doing it faster than I am. And hers will be beautiful.
I'm still going to make one...Mine will also be beautiful.
I think I even know who I'll give it to when it's finished. I have a friend who loves this color.
Maybe I'll get it done for Christmas.
YES! I have friends. Look in the could be one of them. I'm glad you are.
OH! The Pattern can be found on Ravelry, It's by Martha Simonsen.
I crochet so that no one gets hurt.
Begin at once to live, and count each day as a separate life.
~Lucius Annaeus Seneca~

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